Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Dealers Screen > Approval/Recommend tab >

Approval field group

Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Dealers Screen > Approval/Recommend tab >

Approval field group

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Use this field group to view and edit the approval status for the dealer being created/edited on this screen.


Approval types are added to this field group (on the left, as shown below) from the Approval Options field group on the Dealer Setup > Options screen. Up to 5 approval types can be displayed on this screen. Each approval level can have security set at the field level. Approval status restrictions are set on the Field Level Security screen.




Each approval type on this screen can be assigned an Approval Status (DLPPST) and Approval Start/Expire Dates (DLSTRD/DLEXPD). Possible Approval Statuses are Approved, Denied, Temporary Approval, and Unapproved.


The Changed By and Changed On fields (DLPPR1/DLPPR2) indicate the name of the employee at your institution who most recently changed the Approval Status for the corresponding approval type, as well as the date on which the change took place.

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