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Account Rules field group

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Account Rules field group

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Use this field group to set up password requirements, temporary lockout settings, and age requirements for eGOLDTrak at your institution.


Click <Save> to save any changes made to this field group.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Strong Passwords

Use this field to indicate whether strong passwords are required for using eGOLDTrak. Strong passwords must contain at least eight characters and three of the following:


1 number

1 uppercase letter

1 lowercase letter

1 symbol (e.g., !, #, %, &)

Maximum Temporary Lockout Failures

Use this field to indicate the maximum number of failed logon attempts allowed before a user is temporarily locked out of eGOLDTrak.

Temporary Lockout Duration

Use this field to indicate the length of time (in minutes) that a user is temporarily locked out of eGOLDTrak if they have reached the Maximum number of failed logon attempts.

Maximum Lockout Failures

Use this field to indicate the maximum number of Temporary Lockouts that a user can experience before they are locked out of eGOLDTrak for the number of hours entered in the Consumer Lockout Duration field.

Consumer Lockout Duration

Use this field to indicate the length of time (in hours) that a user is locked out of eGOLDTrak if they have reached the Maximum number of temporary lockouts.

Consumer Minimum Age

Use this field to indicate the minimum age requirement for customers using eGOLDTrak.

Dealer Minimum Age

Use this field to indicate the minimum age requirement for employees of dealers at your institution using eGOLDTrak.

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