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Tran Code 0510, Field Credit

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Tran Code 0510, Field Credit

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You can make changes to specific individual fields in the Loan system using any of the 500 or 510 transactions. The 500 transactions perform a debit to the specific field and the 510 transactions perform a credit to the field.

These transactions use the GOLDTrak PC Posting Field Numbers as the modifier. See GOLDTrak PC Field Numbers in the GOLD Services > General Ledger > GTPC Funding Rules for more information on the different fields.


See the following list of available Field Credit transactions:


Tran code 510-01, Passthrough OD Loan

Tran code 510-02, LIP Interest Decrease

Tran code 510-03, LIP Interest Decrease - Journal

Tran code 510-07, Subsidy Balance Decrease

Tran code 510-08, Subsidy Balance Decrease - Journal

Tran code 510-31, Remaining MSR Increase

Tran code 510-32, Remaining MSR Increase Journal

Tran code 510-33, Partial Payments Decrease

Tran code 510-34, Partial Payments Decrease - Journal

Tran code 510-35, Remaining Fee Decrease

Tran code 510-36, Remaining Fee Decrease - Journal

Tran code 510-37, Remaining Discount Decrease

Tran code 510-38, Remaining Discount Decrease - Journal

Tran code 510-39, Remaining Premiums Increase

Tran code 510-40, Remaining Premiums Increase - Journal

Tran code 510-42, Misc Funds Decrease

Tran code 510-43, Misc Funds Decrease - Journal

Tran code 510-45, Remaining Cost Increase

Tran code 510-46, Remaining Cost Increase - Journal

Tran code 510-47, Principal Increase

Tran code 510-48, Principal Increase - Journal

Tran code 510-50, LOC Stop Payments

Tran code 510-53, Interest YTD Decrease - Payment Method 1, 5, 6, & 8

Tran code 510-54, Interest YTD Decrease

Tran code 510-55, Deferred Interest Increase

Tran code 510-57, YTD Interest Decrease - Journal


Please note the following conditions:


For contract collections, if a correction to field credit to principal (tran code 518) with field code 47 (principal balance decrease) is not processed the same day and for the same amount as the 510 transaction, the correction will show on the Afterhours Processing Exceptions Listing (FPSRP013). You must manually retrieve the funds from the seller or recipient and reduce the Year-to-Date Disbursement field (CNYTDP) for that amount (Loans > Contract Collections screen). Field credits will show on the seller history either as interest or principal.


For a description of a reserve account 1 or 2 refund, see tran code 140 description.


For principal decreases (field 47), if institution option 7 SOVC is set to "Y," whenever a principal decrease transaction is attempted, the system will require a supervisor override (SOV). If you would like this option, please submit a work order with your request.


For payment method 0 and 7 loans only, if a loan has been sold to an investor, any time a principal decrease (tran code 510) or correction (tran code 518) is processed, the system will write to history the Date Interest Paid To. This date is not changed but is written to history so that for scheduled/scheduled reporting, the system can use this date as the payment date for the curtailment.


Field code 35 tells the system you want funds applied to Remaining Fees, and field code 37 to Remaining Discount/Gain.


When a field credit to principal or interest is processed, the current loan due date will display with the transaction in history. This is necessary so investor reports can determine if the credit was processed on a delinquent account.


When a field credit to principal is processed, the Date Interest Paid To will display with the transaction history. This is necessary so investor reports can determine which reporting cycle the curtailment is reported in. This is different from most fields which write to history, as they only display information that is changed. In this case, the due date did not change–it is only displayed for reporting purposes.


Institution option (BKPM) allows loans with a bankruptcy hold code 4 or 5 to be posted without a teller override.


OP09 BSPC allows credit transactions to run under the following circumstances without an SOV:

Due date in the past – curtailment disallowed.

Advances not intended for payment method 6.

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