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Tran Code 0022-02, Automatic Charge-off Reversal Transaction

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Tran Code 0022-02, Automatic Charge-off Reversal Transaction

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The Automatic Charge-Off Reversal transaction reverses the charge off by removing the information in the fields mentioned in the Automatic Charge-Off transaction and replacing the general category with one that you select that is not an 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, or 89 (also see Charge-Off Reversal transaction 2022-02).


This transaction also performs account reclassification of the loan amounts in the General Ledger. Posting field number L-104 (principal charge-off/recovery), L-204 (principal charge-off contra), L-105 (interest recoveries), and L-205 (interest charge-off contra) allow you to further refine the posting to the General Ledger.


Note: An institution option (OP21 ACOS) is available that, when set, allows this transaction to be run on an investor sold loan (Portion Sold field (LNISLD) is greater than zero).


See also: Appendix A, Foreclosure / Repossession / Partial or Full Charge-off

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