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Loan Inquiries

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Loan Inquiries

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The following transactions are for simple inquiries concerning the loan. No field information or balances are changed using these transactions. These are informational transactions that can be printed or emailed to customers if they have questions concerning their accounts.


Tran Code 0170, Ln General Inq

Tran Code 0171, Stat File Inquiry

Tran Code 0172, Payment Inquiry

Tran Code 0173, Loan Investor Inquiry

Tran Code 0174, Loan LIP Inquiry

Tran Code 0175, Loan Balances Inquiry

Tran Code 0176, Loan Dates Inquiry

Tran Code 0177, Loan Interest Inquiry

Tran Code 0179, Loan Classification Inquiry

Tran Code 0181, Bring Loan Current Inq

Tran Code 0182, Adjust Mortgage Insurance Inquiry

Tran Code 0183, Loan Auto-Payment Fields Inquiry

Tran Code 0185, Loan Late Fields Inquiry

Tran Code 0186, Loan Reserve 2 Inquiry

Tran Code 0188, Loan Reserve 1 Inquiry

Tran Code 0194, Loan Pmts Due Inquiry

Tran Code 0195, Loan Payoff Inquiry

Tran Code 0196, Loan Payment Breakdown Inquiry

Tran Code 0197, Pay-to-Zero Inquiry

Tran Code 2170, 30-day Interest Inquiry

Tran Code 2270, Loan Extended General Inquiry


See also these topics:

Printing Inquiries as a Receipt in CIM GOLDTeller

Emailing Inquiries to Customers

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