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Payment Calculator

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Payment Calculator

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Note: Changes and enhancements made to Payment Calculator are mostly institution-specific and may not make sense if you are not the institution that requested it. We advertise these changes here, so your institution will be aware of the changes we have implemented. The work order number, if provided, will help you know if the change you requested is now available. If ever you need adjustments to any of your loan types used in Payment Calculator, please contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager.




Insurance Company Credit Life Adjustment


CMP: 17368

Work Order: 61517


CIM GOLD version 7.20.9

This adjustment was made for an institution that switched insurance companies in two states and needed changes to its credit life formulas.




Tabbed GUI Upgrade/Adjustments


CMPs: 11369, 13723, 14408, 14430

Work Orders: 57869, 57870


CIM GOLD version 7.20.9

Institution 158 upgraded to Tabbed GUI (in other words, the newer version of Payment Calculator). These CMP and Work Order numbers pertain to the upgrade and adjustment process. These adjustments include:


Real estate implementation

Reducing prepaids before interest in matching a targeted APR

Loan minimum based on prior loan payoff amount plus cash to customer





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