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Loan System

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Checks Screen Updated to Allow 3-digit Teller Number

Primary Email Changes Updated with Event 60

Event 60 Emails Updated for Multiple Names in a Household; Capitalization Okay

Comment Message Changed on Opt-out of Event 60 Email

Variable Screen Updated





Checks Screen Updated to Allow Less Than Four-digit Teller Number


CMP: 14698

Work Order: 58907


CIM GOLD version 7.9.13

The Loans > Check Printing > Checks screen has been updated to now allow teller numbers that are less than four digits. Previously, if a teller who had a two- or three-digit teller number attempted printing or voiding a check, they would receive an "Invalid Teller Number" message. This has been updated to now allow less than four-digit teller numbers.


Additionally, the Checks screen requires a teller number. We updated the screen to show a message as soon as a user attempts to access the Checks screen that their teller number is required. This message previously appeared after a button was clicked on the screen and the user hadn't been set up as a teller or didn't have access to that office. Now the message appears when the user first accesses that screen, as shown below:


Loans > Check Printing > Checks Screen

Loans > Check Printing > Checks Screen


The user will not be able to do anything on that screen until they are set up as a teller. If the user hasn't been set up as a teller, they will need to be set up as one, as described in the Security > Setup > Teller tab screen (which is the same screen as Deposits > Definitions > Teller Information screen).


Note: If the user gets this message on the Checks screen:


Loans > Check Printing > Checks Screen

Loans > Check Printing > Checks Screen


It means they are not set up for that office. Or they need to be designated to work in other offices. To designate a teller to work in other offices, check the Other Office Signon box on the Teller setup screen, as shown below:


Deposits > Definitions > Teller Information Screen

Deposits > Definitions > Teller Information Screen




Primary Email Changes Updated with Event 60


CMP: 14522, 14622

Work Order: 58717


CIM GOLD version 7.9.13

In CIM GOLD version 7.9.11 we advertised a new option that allows your institution to immediately send an email to a customer after they make a payment from the EZPay screen. (See CMP: 11581 in the CIM GOLD What's New.)


We've updated this process as follows:


1.The system no longer changes the Primary email to not Primary. Primary emails are indicated by a checkbox next to the email address. It was found that when posting an immediate or future-dated payment on an account with a primary email address, if the user selected <Send/Save>, the email address was unchecked as Primary. This has been updated and the system no longer changes that Primary checkbox if <Send/Save> is clicked.


2.Additionally, the comment that was added on the Marketing and Collections screen > Contact tab would state that the email address was changed. The system no longer shows that message, as shown in Figures 1, 2, 3 below.


3.We have also updated the system so the Opt Out selection does not default once a user checks that box. Previously, if a user checked the Opt Out box when the Email address dialog box appeared after running a payment on the EZPay screen, the system would always default to a checked box for the Opt Out option. Now the default is always an unchecked box. See A in Figure 1 below.


Figure 1: Message that appears after making a payment on the EZPay screen, and Event Letter 60 option is set.

Figure 1: Message that appears after making a payment on the EZPay screen, and Event Letter 60 option is set.


Figure 2: Loans > Marketing and Collections Screen > CIF Tab, then click <Edit E-mail>

Figure 2: Loans > Marketing and Collections Screen > CIF Tab, then click <Edit E-mail>


Figure 3: Loans > Marketing and Collections Screen > Contact Tab

Figure 3: Loans > Marketing and Collections Screen > Contact Tab




Event 60 Emails Updated for Multiple Names in a Household; Capitalization Okay


CMP: 14200

Work Order: 58717


CIM GOLD version 7.9.13

We have updated the email addresses shown for event letter 60 when multiple people with multiple accounts belong in the same households. EZPay was using the household name sequence to read the Social Security number from the FPMN record (the older CIF Name and Address record). This was causing issues when getting the SSN to read emails when there were multiple names in a household with multiple accounts.


This has been updated so the system now reads the SSN from the FPND record (CIF Name record), thereby using the correct name sequence for the selected person. The correct email address will now be shown with the selected person making the payment.


Additionally, if an email includes capitalization, the system previously would return an error. This has been updated, so if an email address includes capitalization in the name, the system ignores the capitalization and still successfully sends the email.

Comment Message Changed on Opt-out of Event 60 Email


CMP: 14170

Work Order: 58717


CIM GOLD version 7.9.13

We have updated the wording of the comment that appears after a customer opts out of receiving an email when event 60 email option is on. When the user checks the Opt Out box then clicks <Submit Payment> on the EZPay screen after making a payment, a message is recorded in the Comments list-view table on the Marketing and Collections screen > Contact tab. This message has been updated to show: "NAME has decided to opt out of being emailed a payment confirmation for this transaction."


See the new and old message example below.



Loans > Marketing and Collections Screen > Contact Tab

Loans > Marketing and Collections Screen > Contact Tab





Variable Screen Updated


CMP: 13209


CIM GOLD version 7.9.13

We have updated a coding bug on the Variable screens. One institution found that they couldn't use the UFC19 field on the Variable screen. After we investigated why they got the error, it was found that an loading element was wrong. The screen should no longer crash when going to the last account.



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