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NAICS Code on Households Screen


CMP: 12724

Work Order: 58839


CIM GOLD version 7.20.9

The NAICS Code field has been added to the Customer Relationship Management > Households screen > Names tab > Detailed Personal Information tab (see below). A new mnemonic has been created for this field in the FPND record (NDNAIC, 6 numeric character entry). The NAICS Code field already exists as a different mnemonic on the Loans > Account Information > Additional Loan Fields screen, but this new mnemonic was created so an NAICS code can be defined per person rather than per account.


The North American Industrial Code Standards (NAICS) is an industry classification system that groups establishments into industries based on the activities in which they are primarily engaged. It is a comprehensive system covering the entire field of economic activities, producing, and nonproducing. See the field help by following either link in the previous paragraph for more information about NAICS codes in CIM GOLD.


Customer Relationship Management > Households Screen > Detailed Personal Information Tab

Customer Relationship Management > Households Screen > Detailed Personal Information Tab





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