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Save the current report

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Save the current report

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When a report is run, the results are automatically saved on the PC you are using. This folder can be changed by selecting "Change Report Output Folder" from the File menu (as described below). You can manually save reports to an additional location with the following steps.



1.Select "Save" from the File menu. The Save As dialog will appear.


2.Enter a name and location for the report to be saved.


3.Click <Save> to finish.



Change Report Output Folder


This function allows you to change the location of the information that is automatically saved when a report is run.



1.Select "Change Report Output Folder" from the File menu.


2.Use the Look In drop-down list to select what folder reports will be saved in. (Make sure the name of the selected folder appears in the drop-down menu box at the top of the dialog.)


3.Click <Select Path> and the dialog will close.


When Open is selected from the drop-down menu, the new folder and its contents will appear in the Open dialog.


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