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Event 29 Sample Letters

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Event 29 Sample Letters

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See the following examples of sold loan letters:


Example 1: Letter to Insurance Company Concerning New Loan












Policy:                <<POLICY_NUMBER>>
Insured:                <<ACCOUNT_FIRST_MIDDLE_LAST_NAME_1>>
Property:        <<PROPERTY_ADDRESS_LINE1>>




Dear Borrower(s):


Please be advised that effective Month X, 200X the above referenced loan is being transferred to GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company. Please change the Mortgagee Clause on the insurance policy to read as follows:


         GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company

         1525 West 820 North

         Provo, Utah 84601



If your records do not reflect the policy on this account as currently in force, please contact a representative of GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company at (555) 555-5555. Otherwise, please send the endorsement for the requested change, as well as all future correspondence and notices, to GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company. Please reference our loan number <<FORMATTED_LOAN_NUMBER>>.






John Doe





Example 2: Sale of Servicing













Dear Borrower:


It is customary practice in the Mortgage Lending Industry for lenders to purchase or sell servicing rights.


The servicing of the above mentioned loan will be transferred to GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company. Your <<DUE_DATE>> payment should be sent to GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company, who maintains an effective Customer Service Department that will answer any questions or assist in the resolution of any problems that may develop related to your loan. The Customer Service number is 1-800-555-5555, extension #5555.


In the immediate future, GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company will furnish you with information as to their procedures and payment instructions. Prior to the receipt of this information from them, your payment should be directed to GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company, 1525 West 820 North, Provo, Utah 84601.


Please include your current payment coupon until new coupons are issued by GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company. All payments that have been directed to Old Savings Finance Company prior to the receipt of this letter will be promptly credited and it will not be necessary for you to communicate with us in this regard. All information concerning your loan file has been transferred to GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company. A statement reflecting year-to-date interest paid to Old Savings Finance Company for the current year through the date of transfer will be provided by Old Savings Finance Company.





Old Savings Finance Company




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