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Event 22 Sample Letters

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Event 22 Sample Letters

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See the following examples of this event letter:


Example 1: Loan Payoff













RE:        Loan #                <<FORMATTED_LOAN_NUMBER>>



Dear Borrower:


As your above numbered loan has been paid in full, we are enclosing the following documents for your files:


______        Deed of Reconveyance


______        Satisfaction of Mortgage


______        Abstract of Title


______        Insurance policy


______        Various Tax Receipts


______        Other


We would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. If we can be of assistance in any matter in the future, please feel free to call us at (555) 555-5555.





Loan Servicing




Example 2: Loan Payoff













Property Address:   <<PROPERTY_ADDRESS_LINE1>>




Dear Customer:


As the above referenced loan has been paid in full, a Full Reconveyance will be issued and a copy forwarded to you after it has been recorded.


I would like to thank you for allowing us this opportunity to assist you in meeting your financial needs. If you have any questions about your loan, or any other services offered by GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company, please feel free to call us at (555) 555-5555.






Loan Servicing Department




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