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Event 15 Sample Letter

Navigation:  Appendix A - Merge Field Descriptions (Loans) > Event 15, LIP Billing Event >

Event 15 Sample Letter

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See the following example of an LIP billing letter:











RE:Loan Number:        <<FORMATTED_LOAN_NUMBER>>
Loan Balance:        $<<PRINCIPAL_BALANCE>>

 Property Address:




Dear Customer,


This letter is to inform you that the interest on your GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company construction loan is due. The following is an itemized breakdown of what you owe.


LIP Prior Unpaid Charges Due:


Total Amount Due:


Grand Total Due:        $<<LIP_TOTAL_DUE_WITH_LATE_CHGS>>



Please submit your payment to the address below by <<LIP_NEXT_BILL_OR_CHARGE_DATE>>. If you have any questions regarding this payment or your construction loan, please contact the Construction Department at (555) 555-5555. Thank you.





GOLDPoint Systems Finance Company



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