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Password field group

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Password field group

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Use this field group to define password options for remote users at your institution.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Minimum Length


Mnemonic: WOMPWL

Use this field to indicate the minimum length required for passwords on your institution's website.

Days Until Expired


Mnemonic: WOPWXD

Use this field to indicate the length of time passwords are valid before they expire. Once they expire, the users of your institution's website are prompted to create new passwords.

Invalid Password Tries Allowed


Mnemonic: N/A

Use this field to indicate the number of times a user can unsuccessfully attempt to use their password before they are locked out of their account at your institution's website. Once a user's logon has become locked, someone at your institution or a company administrator must unlock the logon before it can be used.

Changes Before Password May Be Re-Used


Mnemonic: WOOPWD

Use this field to indicate the number of new passwords that must created (upon password Expiration) before an old password can be used again.

Days Before Password May Be Changed


Mnemonic: N/A

Use this field to indicate the number of days before Expiration that a newly created password can be changed. This time period is also used when a user first applies and they receive a host-generated password that must be changed soon.

New User Profile


Mnemonic: WODRCN

Use this field to indicate the number of days a new account owner is able to access your institution's website before they are restricted because they did not Change their password when prompted.

Existing User Profile


Mnemonic: WODRCE

Use this field to indicate the number of days an existing account owner is able to access your institution's website before they are restricted because because they did not Change their password when prompted.

Must Be Different Than User ID


Mnemonic: WODIFU

Use this field to indicate whether customers must create a password on your institution's website that is different from their personal or company user ID.

Must Be Different Than SSN/EIN


Mnemonic: WONOSS

Use this field to indicate whether customers must create a password on your institution's website that is different from their Social Security Number (SSN) or Employee Identification Number (EIN).

Must Contain Numbers AND Letters


Mnemonic: N/A

Use this field to indicate whether customers' passwords on your institution's website must contains at least one number and one letter.

Maximum Number Password Recoverty Tries Allowed


Mnemonic: WOMRTF

Use this field to indicate the maximum number of times users can unsuccessfully attempt to recover their passwords before their accounts on your institution's website are locked.

Auto-Unrestrict if Password Recovery SUccessful


Mnemonic: WOAURS

Use this field to indicate whether customer accounts at your institution's website are automatically un-restricted if a password recovery is successful.

Force Change Password if Password Recovery Successful


Mnemonic: N/A

Use this field to indicate whether user passwords on your institution's website must be changed if password recovery is successful.

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