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Tax Rate Detail Screen

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Tax Rate Detail Screen

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Use this screen to view and enter tax rate table information for different insurance types, cities, counties, and states for use at your institution. Tax rate tables created on this screen will appear on the Miscellaneous > Tables > Tax Rate Table Summary screen. Double-click an item in the list view on that screen to open up this screen. When this screen is accessed in this manner, the list view on this screen displays all tax rate tables that have been set up for City/County combinations within the indicated State (see below).



Miscellaneous > Tables > Tax Rate Detail Screen


To create a new tax rate table, click <New> and enter information in the fields on this screen. When <Save> is clicked, the new table will appear in the list view (and on the Tax Rate Table Summary screen). To edit an existing table, select an existing table in the list view and enter new information in the fields on this screen. When <Save> is clicked, the table's information will be updated. See below for more information about the fields on this screen.


hmtoggle_arrow1Tax Rate Detail fields


Tax rate tables can also be imported to this screen from comma-delimited files (such as .csv files). To do this, click <Import From Comma Delimited File> after indicating a State and Effective Date (see above). Once the file has been located on the user's computer and the system has successfully downloaded the file, click <Read> to refresh this screen and make the imported table.



Record Identification: The fields on this screen are stored in the CSTD record (Tax Rate Table Detail). You can run reports for this record through GOLDMiner or GOLDWriter. See CSTD in the Mnemonic Dictionary for a list of all available fields in this record. Also see field descriptions in this help manual for mnemonics to include in reports.



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