Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Account Detail Screen > Account tab > LIP Information field group >

Undisbursed Balance

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Undisbursed Balance

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: No

Mnemonic: LNUNDISB

Screen: Loans > Account Information > Account Detail > Account tab


This field contains the amount of funds not yet disbursed from the LIP account. It is increased by a 510 credit transaction and decreased by a 500 debit transaction, an interest charged transaction, or construction disbursement 430 or 431 transactions from within the GOLDTeller system.


When Report Writer mnemonic LNUNDISB is used, it will display the undisbursed balance for either LIP or payment method 5 loans. This mnemonic gives you the ability to display the undisbursed amounts for both LIP or line-of-credit loans (payment method 5) in the same column.


For LIP loans, the mnemonic will display the LIP undisbursed balance by reading this field. The LIP Method Code must be greater than 0.


For payment method 5 loans, the undisbursed amount is calculated as follows: Credit Limit - Principal Balance = Undisbursed Balance.


WARNING: If a loan has been set up to be both a payment method 5 and an LIP, the payment method 5 calculations will be displayed.


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