Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Account Detail Screen > Payment Detail tab > Payment Due Date Roll field group >

Remaining Portion Due

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Account Detail Screen > Payment Detail tab > Payment Due Date Roll field group >

Remaining Portion Due

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Entry: User, numeric

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: LNRPDU

Screen: Loans > Account Information > Account Detail > Payment Detail tab


This field is used in connection with the Roll Due Date Within, and Dollars/Percent fields. It stores the remaining unpaid portion of the payment. The amount is then added to the total due on the billing statement (Bill and Receipt, Pmt Mth 0, 6, and 7 (Cycled Billing) (FPSRP003) and Bill and Receipt, Pmt Mth 0, 6, and 7 (Variable Billing) (FPSRP155)).


When payments are posted to the loan, the remaining portion due is paid before the due date is rolled based on the Roll Due Date Within field. So, if the payment minus the Remaining Portion Due is less than the Roll Due Date Within limit, the due date will not roll.


Example: A customer has $30 in the Remaining Portion Due field. The Roll Due Date Within limit is set to $80. The loan payment due is $100, plus the remaining $30 for a total of $130. The customer sends in a $100 payment. The system first applies $30 of that $100 payment to pay for the Remaining Portion Due, leaving $70 toward the loan payment. The system would then roll the previous month's due date to this month's due date. However, the system will not roll this month's due date to the next due date because the $70 does not reach the $80 Roll Due Date Within limit required.


If Institution Option ILF6 is enabled then this field will display the principal amount of the payment that is due. This field clears to zero when the current month's payment is posted. If, at monthend, the current month's payment is not paid, the amount is subtracted from the principal variance, this field is cleared to zero, then the Monthend Calculations are processed for the next month and the next month's principal due is entered into this field.


Example: The 9/1 payment has a principal due of 71.88. On 9/30, the payment is still due for 9/1. The principal due clears to zero, the principal variance becomes negative (-71.88) and the principal due for 10/1 is recalculated and stored in the Remaining Portion Due field.

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