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Required Minimum Distribution tab

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Required Minimum Distribution tab

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This tab displays the the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) and related information for the customer account. This information is calculated using the account's Year-End Balance and current plan settings as established on the Deposits > Retirement > Retirement Plan screen.



Deposits > Retirement > Retirement Calculations Screen, Required Minimum Distribution Tab


The fields on this tab are as follows:




Year-End Plan Balance


Mnemonic: N/A

The total year-end balance of all accounts that are part of the retirement plan.


If you need to calculate the RMD based on a different year-end balance than what was in the system on December 31st, this value can be altered using the Year-End Balance field on the Retirement Fields tab of the Deposit > Account Information > Additional Fields screen. However, once the alternate RMD is calculated, the Year-End Balance field must be changed back to its original amount for proper use of the IRS 5498 form.

Required Minimum Distribution


Mnemonic: N/A

The RMD amount for the customer account. All retirement distributions on the account must total at least this amount for the year.

Fixed Distritution


Mnemonic: RPFXDA

The account's fixed distribution amount, if the account owner wants to use fixed distribution amounts instead of the calculated RMD amount.

Last RMD Factor


Mnemonic: N/A

The required minimum distribution (RMD) factor amount. When an individual is taking distributions, the value in this field determines how much money must be distributed for the year.

RMD Age Date


Mnemonic: WKDT07

The date the account owner reaches their eligibility for RMD.

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