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Retirement History Screen

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Retirement History Screen

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Use this screen to view your institution's history of file maintenance performed on customer retirement plans and beneficiaries. This screen is used for reference purposes.


There are two list views on this screen. The top list displays retirement plan file maintenance (F/M) history for the customer account once parameters for a system search are set in the Search Fields field group and <Get History> is pressed. See below to learn how to use the Search Fields to set system search parameters.


hmtoggle_arrow1Search Fields


The bottom list view on this screen displays additional information about a retirement history item selected in the top list view. This bottom list displays the Mnemonic and Description of the field affected by file maintenance, the number of Repetitions of file maintenance on the field, and the Old and New data in the field as a result of file maintenance.


Deposits > Retirement > Retirement History Screen

Deposits > Retirement > Retirement History Screen


The General Plan Information field group at the top of this screen displays the Household number (as pulled from CIF), the retirement account Plan Number (as set up on the Deposits > Retirement > Retirement Plan screen), basic information about the account Owner (the Household Member Sequence number followed by the name and Social Security number), and Address information (the Household Address Sequence number of the address tied to the customer account, followed by the address itself).



Record Identification: The fields on this screen are stored in the FPGZ record (System History). You can run reports for this record through GOLDMiner or GOLDWriter. See FPGZ in the Mnemonic Dictionary for a list of all available fields in this record. Also see field descriptions in this help manual for mnemonics to include in reports.



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