Navigation:  GOLD Services Screens > General Ledger Screen Group > GL Account By Loan Type Screen >

G/L Identifiers list view

Navigation:  GOLD Services Screens > General Ledger Screen Group > GL Account By Loan Type Screen >

G/L Identifiers list view

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Entry: System, list view

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Mnemonic: N/A

Screen: Loans > System Setup Screen > G/L Account By Loan Type screen


The list view at the top of the screen displays loan types that have already been set up with G/L account numbers. If you select any of the loan types displayed in this table, you can make changes to any of the G/L account numbers for any of the transactions listed.




To add more loan types to this list view, click <Create New> and enter the loan type in the Code and Description fields, and then complete the rest of the fields on this screen.


Note: As loan types are entered, the system will validate that it is a valid loan type. Loan types are assigned by the institution on the Loans > System Setup Screens > Loan Product Types screen.

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