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Loan System

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Fund To Card Dialog Updates


CMP: 18823

Work Order: 61433, 62813


CIM GOLD version 7.21.1

The following changes have been made to the Fund To Card dialog accessed from the Loans > Check Printing > Checks screen. This dialog is accessible by certain institutions who use the ACI debit card funding option.


When setting up a new debit card, the Card Type radio buttons default to Debit (see example below).


The button that was previously called <Save> has been more accurately renamed <Validate Card> (see example below).


When <Validate Card> is clicked and the system attempts to validate the card information, the language used in the resulting dialog has been changed to more accurately reflect what is happening. Instead of saying that a "funding token" was successfully created or unable to be created, the dialog now reads "Card Validation Succeeded" or "Unable To Validate Card."






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