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Customer Relationship Management

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Customer Relationship Management

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New Authorization Tab for Indicating Security Questions


CMP: 14533

Work Order: 49043


CIM GOLD version 7.21.5


Note: This CMP requires Host Build 20210201 to function properly.

A new tab is available on the Customer Relationship Management > Households screen  > Names tab. This new Authorization tab (see below) can be used to create security questions and answers as an authentication tool for the household name selected in the Household Names list view (for example, such as in two-factor authentication). Contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager for more information about how your institution can implement these questions.


To create a security question/answer set for the selected name, simply discuss a good set with the customer and indicate it in the Authorization Question and Authorization Answer fields.* Click <Add/Update> to add the question/answer to the list view on this tab. Multiple question/answer sets can be indicated per name.


Click <Delete> to delete a selected question/answer set from the list. Click <Clear> to delete any text entered (but not saved) in either field.


*Mnemonics NSQUST and NSANWR; 50 alphanumeric characters max each. These fields are part of the FPNS (Name Authorization) record.


New Authorization tab on the Households screen

New Authorization tab on the Households screen




Loan Record Fix in Advertising Messages and Contact Queues


CMP: 12670

Work Order: 62533


CIM GOLD version 7.21.5

An error when selecting "Loan" in the Type field (CQRTYP) on the Miscellaneous > Advertising Messages > Priority Message Definition screen was causing the system to set FPLN in the contact queue definition (CSCQ) record. This caused issues in the process of defining advertising messages and contact queues, because the system should have been setting CFLN instead.


This error has been corrected. The CSCQ record now properly sets CFLN instead of FPLN for priority message definitions (as well as loan report setups).




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