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New User Authentication Options field group

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New User Authentication Options field group

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Use this field group to manage new remote user authentication options for your institution's website and GOLDPhone.


The Use the Following New-User Authentication Options field must be marked in order to use the other fields in this field group.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Use the Following New-User Authentication Options


Mnemonic: WOINOP

Mark this field to use the other fields in the New User Authentication Options field group.

Auto-Unrestrict New User If Authentication Successful


Mnemonic: WOAUVS

Use this field to indicate whether restricted users are allowed to log in immediately after entering correct authentication information on your institution's website.

Number Correct Before New User Authentication Valid


Mnemonic: WO#RTE

Use this field to indicate the number of verification questions a new remote user must answer before their authentication is considered valid.

Compare/Require checkbox fields


Use these field groups to indicate information necessary in order to auto-authenticate new remote users at your institution. If your institution uses auto authentication, a user can set up a profile on your institution's website and gain access to their accounts without the employees at your institution needing to take additional action.


Use the Compare field group to indicate which customer information from your institution's website application must match their information in CIM GOLD in order to auto-authenticate them as a new user. Use the Require field group to indicate which information on your institution's website application is required in order to auto-authenticate new users.


The fields in each field group are identical and pertain to the same information. Types of information that can be designated as Compared and/or Required are as follows:


Account Number (WOCAC#/WORAC#)


Mother's Maiden Name (WOCMDN/WORMDN)

Date of Birth (WOCDOB/WORDOB)

Last Loan Payment Amount (WOCLLP/WORLLP)

Driver's License Number (WOCDLN/WORDLN)

Place of Birth (WOCPOB/WORPOB)



Phone Number (WOCPH#/WORPH#)

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