Navigation:  Deposit Reports > GOLDPoint Systems Only > Deposit Reports > Report Setup tab >

When to Run

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When to Run

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Entry: User, numeric

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: RSDCMD

Screen: GOLDPoint Systems > Report Setups > Deposit Reports > Report Setup tab


Use this field to indicate when the report will process in the afterhours. Some reports must be set up to run during specified periods due to the nature of the report. You need to be aware that monthend, quarter-end, and year-end reporting processes on a monthend file that is copied from the live file on the last processing day of the month. When you make changes, you need to determine if the change is required on both files.


Note: Refer to the report documentation to determine how these options are used on reports.


When to run valid entries:




CYCddA or B (Runs based on a date each month using After or Before the date.)

CSAT (Run on a specific day of the week using the day’s first three letters.)




RMMDDYY (Run on a specific date. If YY is entered, it will run each year.)

RSATA (Run on a specific day of the week. If it falls on a non-processing day, run after. Any first three digits for the day of the week can be substituted for SAT.)

RSATB (Run on a specific day of the week. If it falls on a non-processing day, run after. Any first three digits for the day of the week can be substituted for SAT.)


UPSIXX (Run today using a run parameter as it relates to the JCL you need.)

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