Navigation:  GOLD Services Screens > General Ledger Screen Group > GL Account By Loan Type Screen >

Write Off - Regular Loan

Navigation:  GOLD Services Screens > General Ledger Screen Group > GL Account By Loan Type Screen >

Write Off - Regular Loan

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: No

Mnemonic: N/A

Screen: Loans > System Setup Screen > G/L Account By Loan Type screen


Normally posted to an expense account or allowance for loan loss, this G/L account is used for loans with a loan general category code of 1-79 (regular loan) and during the following transactions:


Full Write-Off (tran code 2510-05)

Partial Write-Off (tran code 2510-00)

Judgment (tran code 2510-02)


Any of these transactions processed by a teller will automatically be followed with a system generated G/L Debit (tran code 1800) by Journal Out to this G/L account. Rarely, a judgment may be for more than the loan balance (a write-on) and requires a system-generated G/L Credit (tran code 1810) by Journal In to this G/L account.


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