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Loan Retraction/Reinstatement

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Loan Retraction/Reinstatement

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: No

Mnemonic: N/A

Screen: Loans > System Setup Screen > G/L Account By Loan Type screen


This G/L account must be the GTPC Check Clearing account, found in GOLDTrak PC Funding Rules 9000 and 9100 for all Rule Sets. It is used during the Loan Retraction (tran code 2800-01) and Loan Reinstatement (tran code 2800-00) transactions.


This G/L is used to post the following transactions and amounts when populated on either the Retraction or Reinstatement transaction:


Cash In - Performs a G/L Credit (tran code 1810) to the Loan Retraction/Reinstatement clearing account by Cash In.

Check In - Performs a G/L Credit (tran code 1810) to the Loan Retraction/Reinstatement clearing account by Check In.

Journal In - Performs a G/L Credit (tran code 1810) to the Loan Retraction/Reinstatement clearing account by Journal In.

GTPC Checks Expensed - Performs a G/L Credit (tran code 1810) to the Loan Retraction/Reinstatement clearing account by Journal In, and then performs a G/L Debit (tran code 1800) by Journal Out to the GTPC Checks Expensed account.


For the Retraction and Reinstatement: If institution option OP13 RLWP (Retract Loan with Payment) is set to "Y" and payments exist in the loan history of a new loan funded through GOLDTrak PC, the system will reverse the payments as part of either the Retraction or Reinstatement transaction and refund the total payments amount back to the customer in the form of an overpayment check using this G/L account.


If an overpayment exists when running either the Retraction or Reinstatement transaction, the teller must enter the exact total amount of the payments being returned to the customer in the Overpayment field (which is actually the Check Out field on the transaction) or the entire transaction will cancel completely. The teller must also enter the Check Out number for the check being issued. The system will reverse the loan payments (tran code 608) by Journal In correction and a G/L Credit (tran code 1810) by Journal In will be processed for the total of the payments to this G/L account. Immediately following this, the system will generate a G/L Debit (tran code 1800) by Check Out to this G/L account for the total of the payments, leaving this G/L account at zero balance and providing a check to the customer.


See also on the Web:

Section J.1, Loan Retraction and Loan Reinstatement Transactions, in GOLD Services on DocsOnWeb.

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