Navigation:  GOLD Services Screens > General Ledger Screen Group > GL Account By Loan Type Screen >

Insurance Claim Offset

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Insurance Claim Offset

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: No

Mnemonic: N/A

Screen: Loans > System Setup Screen > G/L Account By Loan Type screen


This is the General Ledger account number used by your institution for the offset amount from the following transactions:


1.The Insurance Payment with Offset transaction (tran code 2600-21) processes similarly to an Insurance Payment transaction (2600-01), but after the payment is complete, the new transaction runs an offset to the Insurance Claim Offset field.


2.The Death Claim Offset transaction (tran code 2600-26) functions similarly to the Death Claim Payment transaction (tran code 2600-06), except only journal transactions are allowed. Additionally, after the transaction has completed successfully, an offset amount is processed to this G/L account (Insurance Claim Offset field on the G/L Account By Loan Type screen).


3.The Death Claim Quote Offset transaction (tran code 2606-01) is similar to the Death Claim Quote transaction (tran code 2606-00), but this transaction loads the Death Claim Offset transaction (tran code 2600-26) after the quote has been processed.


4.The Payoff-Journal Offset transaction (tran code 2580-01) is similar to the Loan Payoff-Journal transaction (tran code 580-01), except once the transaction is successfully run, an offset amount is processed to the G/L account entered in the Insurance Claim Offset field.


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